We put our best effort into covering all topics related to Dimecoin. Each section will cover a different category. Not all documentation may be 100% accurate, if you spot an error, please report it or submit a PR request on GitHub.

REMINDER: This documentation is always evolving. If you have not been here for a while, perhaps check again. Things may have been added or updated since your last visit!


The following subsections briefly documents Dimecoin’s transaction structure.

This section outlines opcodes used in pubkey scripts. Topics include:

  • Opcodes: List of Opcodes used in Dimecoin Core transactions.

  • Signature Scripts: Learn about a transactions input structure which provides the cryptographic signature and public keys needed to satisfy the spending conditions.

Address Conversion
Focuses on the procesure to encode and decode P2PKH and P2SH outputs. Topics include:

Raw Transaction Format
Learn about the format used during the process of broadcasting transactions between peers. Topics include:

CompactSize Unsigned Integers
Discover the type of variable-length integer used to indicte the number of bytes in a following piece of data.