We put our best effort into covering all topics related to Dimecoin. Each section will cover a different category. Not all documentation may be 100% accurate, if you spot an error, please report it or submit a PR request on GitHub.

REMINDER: This documentation is always evolving. If you have not been here for a while, perhaps check again. Things may have been added or updated since your last visit!



A web browser can access a HTTP REST interface running on localhost, possibly allowing third parties to use cross-site scripting attacks to download your transaction and block data, reducing your privacy. If you have privacy concerns, you should not run a browser on the same computer as a REST-enabled Dimecoin Core node.

Dimecoin Core provides an unauthenticated HTTP REST interface. The interface runs on the same port as the JSON-RPC interface, by default port 9998 for mainnet and port 19998 for testnet. It must be enabled by either starting Dimecoin Core with the -rest option or by specifying rest=1 in the configuration file. Make sure that the RPC interface is also activated. Set server=1 in dash.conf or supply the -server argument when starting Dimecoin Core. Starting Dimecoin Core with dimecoind automatically enables the RPC interface.

The interface is not intended for public access and is only accessible from localhost by default. The interface uses standard HTTP status codes and returns a plain-text description of errors for debugging.